

林间,国际著名海洋地球物理学家,欧洲科学院院士(Member of European Academy of Sciences), 欧洲人文和自然科学院院士(Member of Academia Europaea), 俄罗斯自然科学院院士(Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences),对海洋地球科学与地震学作出卓越贡献。引领国际大洋合作,其原创性、系统性的发现奠定了学界对全球大洋中脊三维结构的认识基础。领导穿越全球海洋最深处—马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊首次高精度地震实验,揭示了“地球第四极”下的内部结构。在大地震之间应力相互作用与地震触发研究领域作出开创性贡献,其一地震学成果,十年引用率全球第一。共同领导南海国际大洋钻探、深拖地磁与大地电磁等实验,成果入选2019年度中国十大海洋科技进展、2020年广东省自然科学一等奖、2021年度海洋科学技术奖特等奖(第一完成人)等。共同领导首次发现西南印度洋深海热液喷口、实施首次北印度洋中巴联合考察等。当选美国地球物理联合会(AGU)会士、美国科学促进会(AAAS)会士、美国地质学会(GSA)会士、亨利-比奇洛杰出海洋学家讲座教授等。历任美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所高级研究员、麻省理工学院/伍兹霍尔海洋研究所教授、中国科学院南海海洋所特聘研究员等。任国际大洋组织InterRidge主席、美国科学院海啸委员会、国家基金委双清论坛主席、基金委重大研究计划集成组长、指导委员会等。


◆ 1982,中国科学技术大学,地球物理学士,获郭沫若奖学金与奖章

◆ 1988,美国布朗大学,地球物理学博士;1984,地球物理学硕士


◆ 当选欧洲科学院院士(Member of European Academy of Sciences)

◆ 当选欧洲人文和自然科学院院士(Member of Academia Europaea)

◆ 当选俄罗斯自然科学院院士(Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

◆ 当选美国地球物理联合会会士(AGU Fellow)

◆ 当选美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow)

◆ 当选美国地质学会会士(GSA Fellow)

◆ 亨利-比奇洛杰出海洋学家讲座教授

◆ 国际大洋发现计划杰出讲座科学家

◆ 香港中文大学杰出学人讲座教授

◆ 美国卡尔彼泊基金会青年科学家奖


◆ T. Zheng., J. Lin, H. Schouten, D.K. Smith, E. Klein, R. Parnell-Turner, Gravity Anomalies and Implications for Shallow Mantle Processes of the Western Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, 2023.

◆ Wang, Z., and J. Lin, Role of fluids and seamount subduction in interplate coupling and the mechanism of the 2021 Mw 7.1 Fukushima-Oki earthquake, Japan., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584, 117439, 2022.

◆ Zhang, F., J. Lin, Z. Zhou, H. Yang, and J.P. Morgan, Mechanism of progressive broad deformation from oceanic transform valley to off-transform faulting and rifting, The Innovation, 3, 100193, 2022.

◆ Tao C. et al., Deep high-temperature hydrothermal circulation in a detachment faulting system on the ultra-slow spreading ridge, Nature Comm., 11, 1300, 2020.

◆ Ding, M., J. Lin, C. Gu, Q. Huang, and M.T. Zuber, Variations in Martian lithospheric strength based on gravity/topography analysis, J. Geophys. Res. - Planets, 124, 3095-3118, 2019.

◆ Lin, J., Y. Xu, Z. Sun, and Z. Zhou, Mantle upwelling beneath the South China Sea and links to surrounding subduction systems, Nat. Sci. Rev., 6, 877-881, 2019.

◆ Park, S.H., et al., An isotopically distinct Zealandia–Antarctic mantle domain in the Southern Ocean, Nature Geosci., 12, 206-214, 2019.

◆ Wan, K., J. Lin, et al., Deep seismic structure across the southernmost Mariana Trench: Implications for arc rifting and plate hydration, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 4710-4727, 2019.

◆ Larsen, H.C., et al., Rapid transition from continental breakup to oceanic crust at South China Sea rifted margin, Nature Geosci., 11, 782-789, 2018.

◆ Ding, M., and J. Lin, Deformation and faulting of subduction overriding plate caused by a subducted seamount, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 8936-8944, 2016.

◆ Tao, C., J. Lin, et al., First active hydrothermal vents on an ultraslow spreading center: Southwest Indian Ridge, Geology, 40, 47-50, 2012.

◆ Lin, J., R.S. Stein, et al., Stress transfer among en echelon and opposing thrust and tear faults: Triggering caused by the 2003 Mw=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B03305, 2011.

◆ Gregg, P.M., J. Lin, M. Behn, and L.G.J. Montesi, Spreading rate dependence of gravity anomalies along oceanic transform faults, Nature, 448, 183-187, 2007.

◆ Lin, J., and R.S. Stein, Stress triggering in thrust and subduction earthquakes, and stress interaction between the southern San Andreas and nearby thrust and strike-slip faults, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B02303, 2004.

◆ Dick, H.J.B., J. Lin, and H. Schouten, An ultraslow-spreading class of ocean ridge, Nature, 426, 405-412, 2003.

◆ Freed, A.M., and J. Lin, Delayed triggering of the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake by viscoelastic stress transfer, Nature, 411, 180-183, 2001.

◆ King, G.C.P., R.S. Stein, and J. Lin, Static stress changes and the triggering of earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., 84, 935-953, 1994.

◆ Stein, R.S., G.C.P. King, and J. Lin, Stress triggering of the 1994 Northridge earthquake by its predecessors, Science, 265, 1432-1435, 1994.

◆ Stein, R.S., G.C.P. King, and J. Lin, Change in failure stress on the southern San Andreas fault system caused by the 1992 M=7.4 Landers earthquake, Science, 256, 1928-1932, 1992.

◆ Lin, J., G.M. Purdy, H. Schouten, J.-C. Sempere, and C. Zervas, Evidence from gravity data for focused magmatic accretion along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Nature, 344, 627-632, 1990.